Gashi Travel
08:00PrizrenPrizren Station
10:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Indirect lines
Bus lines with one stop and short waiting time
Memi Reisen +1
05:30PrizrenPrizren Station
08:59Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Arditi Tours +1
06:00PrizrenPrizren Station
09:29Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Auloni Tours +1
06:30PrizrenPrizren Station
10:29Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Kabashi Tours +1
07:30PrizrenPrizren Station
10:59Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Gashi Travel +1
08:00PrizrenPrizren Station
11:29Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
El Travel +1
08:25PrizrenVrrini Center
12:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Arditi Tours +1
09:00PrizrenPrizren Station
13:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Arditi Tours +1
12:30PrizrenPrizren Station
15:49Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Albani Tours +1
13:30PrizrenVrrini Center
17:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
End of results