11:26GosaGosa Station
12:39TiranaEast Terminal
Interbus Vlora
11:45GosaGosa Station
12:30TiranaSouth and North Terminal
11:51GosaGosa Station
13:04TiranaEast Terminal
Shpresa - AL SH.P.K
12:07GosaGosa Station
13:20TiranaEast Terminal
Fjoart Travel
12:13GosaGosa Station
13:26TiranaEast Terminal
Interbus Vlora
12:15GosaGosa Station
13:00TiranaSouth and North Terminal
12:16GosaGosa Station
13:29TiranaEast Terminal
Piko Sh.P.K
12:25GosaGosa Station
13:38TiranaEast Terminal
Baturba Sh.P.K
12:30GosaGosa Station
14:12TiranaEast Terminal
Argjiro SH.P.K
12:31GosaGosa Station
13:30TiranaSouth and North Terminal