23 February
07:28GosaGosa Station
09:12BallshBallsh Station
08:58GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
13:13GosaGosa Station
14:57BallshBallsh Station
14:13GosaGosa Station
15:57BallshBallsh Station
15:13GosaGosa Station
16:57BallshBallsh Station
16:13GosaGosa Station
17:57BallshBallsh Station
17:13GosaGosa Station
18:57BallshBallsh Station
Indirect lines
Bus lines with one stop and short waiting time
07:13GosaGosa Station
09:12BallshBallsh Station
07:13GosaGosa Station
09:12BallshBallsh Station
08:43GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
08:43GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
08:43GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
08:48GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
08:50GosaGosa Station
10:42BallshBallsh Station
13:04GosaGosa Station
14:57BallshBallsh Station
13:05GosaGosa Station
14:57BallshBallsh Station
14:05GosaGosa Station
15:57BallshBallsh Station