Shkoder to Durres bus - book online ticket from Shkoder, Albania to Durres, Albania
60,000+ tickets sold with Gjirafa Travel.
Direct lines
Bus lines without stops
13:00ShkoderShkoder Station
15:10DurresDurres Station
Indirect lines
Bus lines with one stop and short waiting time
05:27ShkoderShkoder Station
07:11TiranaEast Terminal
07:30TiranaEast Terminal
08:10DurresDurres Station
06:27ShkoderShkoder Station
08:11TiranaEast Terminal
08:30TiranaEast Terminal
09:15DurresDurres Station
07:00ShkoderShkoder Station
08:55TiranaEast Terminal
09:19TiranaEast Terminal
09:54DurresDurres Station
08:00ShkoderShkoder Station
09:55TiranaEast Terminal
10:19TiranaEast Terminal
10:54DurresDurres Station
08:30ShkoderShkoder Station
10:25TiranaEast Terminal
10:49TiranaEast Terminal
11:24DurresDurres Station
09:30ShkoderShkoder Station
11:25TiranaEast Terminal
11:34TiranaEast Terminal
12:09DurresDurres Station
11:30ShkoderShkoder Station
13:25TiranaEast Terminal
13:34TiranaEast Terminal
14:09DurresDurres Station
11:30ShkoderShkoder Station
13:25TiranaSouth and North Terminal
14:03TiranaEast Terminal
14:38DurresDurres Station
12:00ShkoderShkoder Station
13:55TiranaSouth and North Terminal
14:34TiranaEast Terminal
15:09DurresDurres Station
12:30ShkoderShkoder Station
14:25TiranaSouth and North Terminal
15:03TiranaEast Terminal
15:38DurresDurres Station