How to get from Tirana to Skopje?
5 Gus, 2024
By bus to Skopje
On a trip from Tirana to Skopje there are several ways to go. At gjirafatravel you will find all the information you need, such as the issue of ticket booking, the operator you will travel with, the duration of the trip, as well as many other necessary information.
Usually departures are from the Eastern Terminal or Dritan Hoxha Street in Tirana, and the destination is at the Bus Station in Skopje in a duration of 7 hours. As for the indirect lines, from the Eastern Terminal of Tirana it first stops in Pristina, then after changing the operator at the Bus Station, you will continue towards Skopje.
Traveling by train
It is less common such a journey as there is no direct train line, and it takes longer if you have to wait. Anyway, you can first go by bus to Ferizaj, then from Ferizaj you can take the train to Skopje. However, we suggest that you make sure in advance that the train is operational on the day you want to travel, and you can do this on the "Trainkos" website.
From Tirana to Ferizaj by bus, it takes about 4 hours and 40 minutes, while from Ferizaj to Skopje, it takes almost 2 hours by train.
Traveling by car
Undoubtedly, traveling by car has its own pleasure, either because you choose the roads you will pass through, or because of the stops you can make at many tourist spots on the way there. And for all those who do not have a personal car, you can rent one anywhere, in Tirana, Pristina or Ferizaj, depending on how you have chosen to travel. Prices vary from 25 euros for a day and above, based on the type of car.
Taxi on the other side is the most expensive option you can have on this journey of almost 286 kilometers.
Make sure that:
• Have your passport and necessary documents with you.
• North Macedonia uses the Macedonian Denar (MKD) currency, so exchange it for your currency beforehand or when you get there.
Visit these places in Skopje
- The Old Bazaar
- Skopje Castle
- The city museum
- Stone Bridge
- Matka Canyon.