How to get from Tirana to Qeparo?
8 Gus, 2024
The journey from Tirana to Qeparo takes about 4 hours and 20 minutes. If you choose to go by bus, departures are from the South and North Terminals in Tirana, while the stop is at the Station in Qeparo. At Gjirafa Travel you can book your ticket online at a price of 14 euros per person in one direction, or simply learn about schedules, operators, direct or indirect lines and other details necessary for a bus trip.
Of course, you can choose to rent a car in Tirana, where prices usually range from 25 to 60 euros per day, depending on the type of car or for how long you will rent it.
Taxis are also an option for those who want privacy and the prices are around 100 euros.
There is no alternative to traveling by train.
What hides Qeparo
Qeparo is a coastal village in the south of Albania in the municipality of Himara.
A quiet place perfect for those who want to get away from the noise of the city, or crowded beaches.
Some of the places worth visiting in Qeparo are:
• Qeparo beach is the ideal place for relaxation and swimming in the clear water and the beautiful beach with small stones. It is located between the beach of Borshi and that of Porto Palermo, and is surrounded by olive groves and flowers that give it even more charm.
• Gjiri i Kendeseve has a fantastic beach with fine sand. The surrounding citrus and olive groves give it another beautiful appearance.
• Old Qeparoi shows you the traditional life of the villages of Albania, while the stone houses have an interesting architecture to see. Many houses are already abandoned while the roads along the village are narrow and paved with stones. From above you can see the whole village below and the blue coast. There are also two very good restaurants which we recommend you to visit anyway because of the food and the wonderful atmosphere they have.
• Ali Pasha's castle is a tourist spot that you must visit because of the way it was built, and the history it has. From there you have a stunning panorama of the sea or even of Corfu.
Food in Qeparo
The restaurants are also very rich with either European or traditional food. Homemade pie (byreku i shtëpisë) for example is highly recommended or even grilled vegetables. Also the seafood dishes are prepared in the best way, and you will be very satisfied.
As a whole, the village of Qeparo brings you peace and relaxation that you will have for a long time even after you have left this beautiful place.