12:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
13:22Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
14:02Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
14:42Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
16:42Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
14:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
15:22Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
14:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
17:22Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
15:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
16:02Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
15:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
16:42Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
16:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
17:22Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
17:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
18:02Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
Indirect lines
Bus lines with one stop and short waiting time
12:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
15:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
15:30Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
16:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
13:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
16:38Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
14:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
17:00Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
15:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
17:29Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
15:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
17:59Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
15:47ShupenzeShupenze Station
18:38Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
16:27ShupenzeShupenze Station
18:59Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station
17:07ShupenzeShupenze Station
19:29Fushe KrujaFushe Kruja Station