
Travel from Tirana to Prishtina Airport

13 Nën, 2023

If you're planning to travel from Tirana, Albania to Prishtina International Airport in Kosovo, there are several bus options available. Buses are the most popular and affordable way to travel between the two cities, and there are several different companies that offer service.

Which bus company should I choose?

The main bus companies that offer service from Tirana to Prishtina International Airport are:

  • Arbeni Tours
  • Arditi Tours
  • Tirana Metropol
  • Kei Reisen
  • Memi Reisen
  • Vellezerit Thaqi

All companies offer comfortable and reliable service, and their buses are equipped with air conditioning. The journey typically takes around 3 hours and 30 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.


GjirafaTravel is a popular choice for travelers because it offers the option of purchasing bus tickets online on their website. This is a convenient option for travelers who want to avoid having to go to the bus station to purchase tickets. Check out the bus schedules here.

How much do bus tickets cost?

Bus tickets from Tirana to Prishtina International Airport cost around €15. You can purchase tickets online at GjirafaTravel or at the bus station.

When do buses depart?

There are several buses departing from Tirana to Prishtina International Airport throughout the day, starting at around 5:45 AM and ending at around 8:00 PM. You can check the bus schedule online at GjirafaTravel or at the bus station.

Where do buses depart from?

Buses depart from the Tirana International Bus Terminal, which is located close to the city center. The bus station is easily accessible by public transportation or taxi.

Where do buses arrive at?

Buses arrive at the Prishtina International Airport, which is located directly outside of the airport terminal. From the bus terminal, you can walk to the airport terminal.

Tips for traveling by bus from Tirana to Prishtina International Airport

  • Purchase your bus tickets in advance, especially if you're traveling during peak season.
  • Arrive at the bus station at least 30 minutes before your bus is scheduled to depart.
  • Bring your passport and other travel documents with you.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you at all times.
  • If you're traveling with GjirafaTravel, you can download the GjirafaTravel app on your smartphone to check the bus schedule and purchase tickets online.

Bus travel is a convenient and affordable way to get from Tirana to Pristina International Airport. There are several different bus companies that offer service, and buses depart throughout the day. Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance and arrive at the bus station early.

Book your next adventure with GjirafaTravel!